May 7, 2008

Finding Hollywood Nobody by Lisa Samson - My Review

Originally Posted at Bibliophile's Retreat by Melissa Meeks

We catch up with Scotty and Charley after the location shooting in Hollywood Nobody has wrapped and everyone's skeedaddled from the quaint little island town where they were filming the final shots. It is now fall once again, Scotty is sixteen and Charley is dragging her along to a small town in East Texas by the name of Marshall for another shoot. Scotty does manage to coax a stop at Graceland out of her Grandmother since they do have to drive through Memphis anyway and Charley needs to prep some props before they get to this most recent job site. We reconnect with many of the other characters from Hollywood Nobody in this story either virtually via Scotty's blog or when their paths once again cross Scotty's as well as meeting some wonderful new characters along the way. Oh and by the way everyone's favorite star to "hate" and the bane of Scotty's existence, Karissa Bonano, just happens to have the lead role for this shoot Scotty is about to be stuck at while Seth Haas, the newest Hollywood Heartthrob, is off on his own shoot elsewhere rubbing elbows with some of the biggest names in film. Biker guy reappears dogging their every step and keeping everyone on their toes. Who is he and what does he really want with Scotty and Charley? Will they ever find out or just keep hiding? This is only one of many surprises Samson provides in another fun, thrilling and enjoyable adventure as Scotty continues to learn about herself and the world around her. As a teen she continues to desire and sometimes grasp at greater independence learning several lessons the hard way as a result. What new escapades will she dream up to turn more of Charley's hairs gray? Read this book for the continuation of Scotty and Charley's adventures on the fringes of fame. I devoured Hollywood Nobody like many people do the Celebrity gossip shows or magazines and did the same with this book. I am looking forward to Romancing Hollywood Nobody which is coming this fall. In the meantime I have some other Lisa Samson books in my TBR pile that I am looking forward to cracking open soon. You can find the first chapter and an author bio in this post and don't forget to check out other reader reviews on the Barnes and Noble page (click the bookcover to hop on over).


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